Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Which quote would you like to see written on a bookmark?

Hello everyone! I’m in the mood for new creations for my Etsy shop and I need your help…
Which quote would you like to see written on a bookmark? 
Post a comment here below to let me know, I’m curious…

Love Books by LoverDgirlA1065 on DeviantART
Love Books by ~LoverDgirlA1065 on deviantART

Ciao a tutti! Sono in vena di creare qualcosa di nuovo per il mio negozietto Etsy e ho bisogno del vostro aiuto… 
Quale citazione vi piacerebbe vedere scritta su un segnalibro? 
Ditemelo con un commento sotto questo post, sono curiosa…


  1. Io adoro quelle di Oscar Wilde! :)

  2. Hi Paola!

    How about some quotes from classic literature? You could start with a few about reading or books and some Shakespeare, perhaps.
    Or what about opening lines from famous books -
    How about this from Jane Austen - "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man of good fortune must be in want of a wife." (Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, Ch1) It's one of my favourite starting lines ever.

  3. Hi Paola, I think it can be "Once upon a time..." You know the fairy tales so begin :)

  4. We have a quote here in Austria "Lesen ist wie Kino im Kopf" which means 'Reading is cinema of the mind'. I always liked it.

  5. d'accordo con miss marlboro,Wilde!

  6. ciao paoline paolette, che blog interessante :) a me piace molto leggere messaggi sulla libertà, amore, pace, amicizia, uguaglianza...non so..tipo "Man is free at the moment he wishes to be"

  7. "il mondo è un posto difficile, nessuno ne esce vivo" (Charlton Heston). G.



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