Friday, 14 March 2014

I'm still here

Brooch by Mrs Peggotty Arts on Etsy

Hi there,

I know... It's minimizing saying that this blog has been neglected. Conservation School has been more time absorbing than I supposed, but the need to start again creating, and to follow again PaulinePaulette project is more urgent than ever.

What have I done in all this time?
  • I did a few design bindings for international competitions
  • I created some mini photo album for Bottega Fagnola
  • I participated to events with Etsy Italia Team (I really love you, mates...) in Rome and I will tell you how they went, one bit at a time
  • I took part in craft parties organisation in Rome, and I will tell you about them too
  • During all these events, I met in person some team mates: it was strange, but also awesome! We talked so much online, giving a face to what previously was only an avtar is always a strange feeling, you just realise you already know that person even though you've never seen him/her before!
  • Last but not least, I was part of Craft Camp! And it was amazing...
What I haven't done:
  • Doing more design bindings
  • Creating new journals and photoalbum for Pauline Paulette
  • Wrote on the blog about all of this!!!
I don't like making promises I won't be able to keep, so I won't say that I will post every day something new and that I open Pauline Paulette's shop in a few days, but I would like to make thing different, one step at a time.
Starting with... Telling you everything that happened (and it's worth telling here) in the last months. Starting with the last Craft Party in Rome.

See you soon.


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